Daggerfall is such an appealing game to me. The first in the elder scrolls series, it's a jankfest. You get placed into a random dungeon and told to escape. i'd have to say this is one of my favorite dungeoneer games, despite all of the flaws.

The game revolves entirely around dungeon crawling. You start in a dungeon, you'll get bored and end the game in a dungeon. The quests you get in the towns ALL revolve around these randomly generated dungeons. The benefit is that you literally can't run out of dungeons to crawl. The downside is that some places are generated to be literally impossible. Sometimes important things are impossible to get or behind enemies 100 times your strength. If you're going to play this game, you have to use commands. Just make it easier for yourself. Also, use the unity port it fixes so much.

The main story revolves around going to different kingdoms to find out how to quell the restless spirit of the old king of daggerfall. Now, the story isn't anything groundbreaking, but I enjoyed it. Some parts were so soap opera-ish it was just fun. Also, if you fail to get to a quest marker in time you get executed as a treasoner. I don't think you play daggerfall for story; You play it for fantasy schlock. the social aspect is negligable. I just spammed people until they told me what I wanted. You can join a knighthood and both of the guilds so there wasn't that much meat to those.
Sidenote: there's an actual bonefied porn novel in this game. I mean full porn. Insane lorebuilding.

The graphics are that old style low fidelity graphics. The enemies almost look like clay figures. Reminded me a lot of DOOM. The overworld towns and stuff felt simultaneously small and overwhelming. The buildings are just squares and only landmarks like castles look remotely interesting. Most of the map is the same blocks of forest. The different cutscenes are great. The starting cutscene is some good ass live stuff; I'm a sucker for FMV. I loved the lorebuilding over vampires and werewolves being plagued with nightmares. It's a small thing.

There are so many stats to this game it's insane. The game was definitely inspired by tabletop games. Despite being an RPG guy I do not like all these numbers, so I just did the premade builds/ quizzes. Still, I can see the appeal of making weird builds. You can max out any stat, no matter how minor. You can center your entire build around orcish if you wanted.

I enjoy the massive amounts of freedom this game gives you. All you need to do is start certain main quests. Most of them you have days to do, so time was never a worry for me. I went out into the woods and spent an hour becoming a wereboar. Being a werething is fun as hell.